Run Walk Ride for Rwanda - the Walk

Thanks to everyone for supporting the 'Walk' leg of my Run, Walk, Ride 4 Rwanda challenge. Having done the 'Run' leg in July, I just managed to squeeze the walk into August, walking it on Monday 31st August.

I caught the 6:56 train from Freshfield to Hunts Cross, then walked the near 27 miles back, mainly along the Liverpool Loop and Cheshire Lines paths.

Starting walking just before 8am, I made steady progress, taking my first short break six miles later. Near Aintree, there was a short unscheduled stop when meeting a former work colleague, last met in 2001! Then more steady progress before taking a short lunch break having covered almost 19 miles in five hours.
Peter after completing his walk for RwandaUp to this point the weather had been kind with just a few spots of rain very early on, but in the afternoon there was torrential rain, making the last 8 miles a bit slower, but still respectable, covered in less than two and a quarter hours.

Thanks to everyone who has supported me, and made the journey worthwhile - donations at myDonate will go a long way to improving safe motherhood and maternal health, and funding the rebuilding of Shyira maternity hospital, will help the lives of mothers and their babies in Rwanda


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