Liverpool Santa Dash 2012

There are Santa Dashes, and there is the Santa Dash - the Liverpool Santa Dash, the biggest and best in the UK, and probably the world. And for 2012, the biggest and best has just got bigger and better - the Liverpool Santa Dash 2012 has teamed up with ITV's Text Santa appeal, aiming to bring over 10000 Santas to the centre of Liverpool raising funds for charity. Once again, I will be running for Shyira Trust, raising funds for Maternal Health, Midwifery Training and Safe Motherhood projects in Rwanda. In previous years we have had a team, as many as 15, but this year there may be just me. However many we have running, we will have fun, while Running for Rwanda. If you would like to help, you can, and you have two choices - you can join me, get sponsorship, and we can all run for Rwanda. Alternatively, to help me raise much-needed funds for Maternal Health in Rwanda, you can sponsor me at and every penny raised by Shyira Trust, plus Gift Aid, will be used...