Number for Liverpool Santa Dash 2013

Well it's not number 1 or 2 which I've had in previous years. It's not even number 13, which I've had twice! This year's number is 5721! Nothing special then, except that it shows just how popular the Liverpool Santa Dash really is! And there are still a few days to get those numbers up to last year's figure of over 8000. If past years are anything to go by, there will be a couple of thousand entering in the last week, so the record is within reach. Most will be running for charity, and some will be running for Rwanda. If you would like to help us to support midwifery training, maternal health, and safe motherhood projects in Rwanda, please sponsor us at Thank you for your continued support. Without people like you, we would not have been able to achieve the things we have done over the last 12 years.